Introductory Letter Paper

Varun Bisessar

Michael Grove



Introductory Letter

My name is Varun Bisessar. I was born on September 3, 1999, at Queens General Hospital Center. I attended Queens Gateway to Health Sciences Secondary School, a middle/high school directly affiliated with Queens General Hospital Center. During high school, volunteering at this hospital helped me to discover a passion for the practice of medicine. After graduating from Queens Gateway, I now attend CCNY.

My goals as a student at CCNY are to complete the requisites to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Biology and build connections with individuals involved with my field of study. My primary goal at CCNY is to gain a B.S. in Biology because it is the preliminary step towards most careers in the medical field. The B.S. in Biology is the foundation for opportunities ranging from environmental, medicinal, and conservation research careers to various careers in the medical field. The second goal I have as a student at CCNY is to become acquainted with people connected to my field of study. I hope to become closely acquainted with the faculty and students of the biology department because these individuals share many of the outlooks that I have. This ENGL21003 class can help facilitate my student goals because I can better understand how to analyze scientific journals. This class will help me to prepare for assignments such as dissertations in medical school. This class will take a look at some of the most profound publishers in my field, names that will be significant to me during my time of study and beyond.

The field of science I am currently pursuing my studies in is Biology. What interests me the most about biology is there is much to be learned. The simplified definition of biology is the study of living organisms. Fascinating discoveries ranging from the serial endosymbiotic theory to the use of stem cells all inspire me to study biology. All these theories were developed by fellow biologists passionate about the field. The primary aspect of the study of biology that interests me is the unknown. The most recent event that has baffled me involved the bacteria Capnocytophaga canimorsus, which is found in dog saliva. Capnocytophaga canimorsus is characterized as a slow-growing bacterium. However, in the case of a Wisconsin man, Greg Manteufel, who was licked by his dog on an open would, this was not the case. The bacterium spread to his limbs unusually fast and disabled them, he had portions of his limbs amputated. There are less than ten thousand of like cases documented worldwide. Infectious disease specialist, L. Silvia Munoz-Price MD, PhD. Concluded “More than 99 percent of the people that have dogs will never have this issue. It’s just chance.” This reason situations like such interest me are there are no answers, but one day there could be.

My goals in the field of study are to participate in some sort of research opportunity before attending medical school. My ultimate goal is pursuing an MD and practice at a local hospital or open a private practice. The reasoning as to why I want to pursue an MD is I was inspired by years of volunteer work and my pediatrician. A family friend and mentor of mine that I have admired for as long as I can remember. My pediatrician has gone on many humanitarian missions during national disasters for the past decade, his stories have inspired me to work as a volunteer and pursue a similar career path. I hope one day I can be in a position to cure patients both domestic and abroad.

Varun Bisessar