Peer Review of Anzia Hossain Scientist Profile Reflective Letter

Many of us felt comfortable choosing a topic for the assignment because we had a certain topic or field of research to focus on. After finding out the scientist, I also faced the problem of being able to stage an interview. I worked around this by using interviews my scientist had with others to formulate my research questions, just in case I did not get a response from my scientist. I agree with your comments about the introductory letter as I found it difficult to self-reflect, however, my struggle with the introductory letter helped me better organize the scientist profile. I also faced issues of framing and connecting ideas between my paragraphs. Towards the end of my paper when organizing a citation, I also had flaws in my citations as I was using a generator. Using the tips from class to choose an AMA standard citation from an already published article helped me to perfect my citations for the final paper.

Varun Bisessar